Performance measurement is crucial for any business as it enables managers to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. However, the traditional approach to performance measurement may no longer be enough. With the increasing pace of technological advancement, businesses need to shift from a reactive approach to a proactive and predictive one. 

One way to achieve this is by using predictive and proactive KPIs. SMART KPI metrics can also help. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of predictive and proactive KPIs and how they can help businesses achieve their performance objectives.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

A KPI is a measurable value that helps organizations track their progress toward achieving a specific business objective. KPIs come in different forms, and one way to classify them is based on their orientation. There are two types of KPIs: predictive and proactive KPIs. Grow’s KPI dashboard has them both. To learn more, read Grow Pricing 2022 Capterra. 

Predictive KPIs

Predictive KPI metrics provide insights into future performance. These KPIs are based on historical data and trends and help businesses predict future outcomes. Predictive KPIs help identify potential risks and opportunities, enabling managers to take corrective action before a problem arises. Here are some examples of predictive KPIs:

1.Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

The customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the sum a company spends to gain a new client. By monitoring CAC, companies can determine the effectiveness of their marketing and sales strategies. A low CAC indicates that a business is efficient in its customer acquisition efforts, while a high CAC may indicate a need to optimize marketing and sales processes.

2.Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

CLV is the total amount of revenue a business can expect from a customer throughout their entire relationship. Companies can identify their most valuable customers by measuring CLV and developing retention strategies. A high CLV indicates that a business successfully builds customer loyalty and increases revenue.

Grow is used by Spread The Vote to disseminate news and KPI metrics across the company with its executive dashboard. CLV and other predictive KPIs are easily accessible at the click of a button. 

3.Sales Pipeline Velocity

Sales Pipeline Velocity is the rate at which leads move through the sales pipeline. A high Sales Pipeline Velocity indicates that a business efficiently converts leads into customers. By tracking Sales Pipeline Velocity, businesses can identify bottlenecks in their sales process and take corrective action.

4.Employee Turnover Rate

Employee Turnover Rate is the percentage of employees that leave a business within a given period. High Employee Turnover Rates can be costly for companies as they lose valuable talent and incur recruitment costs. By monitoring Employee Turnover Rates, businesses can identify the underlying causes of high turnover and take action to improve employee retention.

Proactive KPIs

Proactive KPIs measure performance indicators that businesses can influence. These KPIs are forward-looking and enable firms to take corrective action before a problem arises. Proactive KPI metrics help identify improvement areas and allow companies to make informed decisions. Here are some examples of proactive KPIs:

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT measures customers’ satisfaction with a product or service. A high CSAT means that a business is meeting or exceeding customer expectations. By measuring CSAT, businesses can identify areas for improvement in their products and services and take corrective action.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures the likelihood of customers recommending a business to others. Companies can identify their most loyal customers by measuring NPS and developing strategies to increase customer advocacy. A high NPS indicates that a business successfully builds customer loyalty and increases revenue.

Employee Engagement Score

Employee Engagement Score measures the level of engagement of employees with their work and the organization. A high Employee Engagement Score indicates that a business has a motivated and committed workforce. By measuring Employee Engagement Scores, businesses can identify areas for improvement in their employee engagement strategies and take corrective action.

Time to Market

Time to Market measures the time it takes for a business to launch a new product or service from ideation to market launch. A shorter Time to Market enables businesses to respond quickly to changing market conditions and gain a competitive advantage. By measuring Time to Market, companies can identify areas for improvement in their product development process and take corrective action.

Performance Measurement Framework

To achieve their performance objectives, businesses need to have a performance measurement framework in place. A performance measurement framework outlines the key performance indicators that a company will track and how it will measure progress toward achieving its performance objectives. By incorporating predictive and proactive KPIs into a performance measurement framework, businesses can comprehensively view their performance and make informed decisions. Here are some best practices for implementing a performance measurement framework:

Define clear performance objectives

Every business must have clear performance objectives aligned with its overall strategic goals. Performance objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. In short, smart KPI is the best way to go about benchmarking your performance. 

Identify relevant KPIs

Businesses need to identify KPIs that are relevant to their performance objectives. KPIs should be aligned with business goals and reflect the areas that require improvement.

Collect and analyze data

A KPI dashboard is the best way using which businesses can collect and analyze data to track their performance against KPIs. Data should be collected promptly and analyzed accurately to identify trends and insights, just like Grow dashboard does. 

Review and update the performance measurement framework

Businesses must regularly review and update their performance measurement framework to ensure that it remains relevant and aligned with their strategic goals. The performance measurement framework should be flexible enough to adapt to changing market conditions and business priorities.


Predictive and proactive KPIs are essential for businesses that want to stay competitive and achieve performance objectives. Predictive and proactive KPIs enable enterprises to shift from a reactive to a bold and predictive approach to performance measurement. By incorporating these KPI metrics into a performance measurement framework, companies can comprehensively view their performance and make informed decisions. 

If you’re still unsure about what is KPI dashboard and how predictive and proactive KPIs can help you achieve your performance benchmarks, reach out to our BI experts.